The Best Resume Screener in the World

Discover your strengths and weaknesses with our AI resume screener

About Us Our free resume scanner ensures that your resume is ATS compliant and will be read correctly by Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and resume screening software. It provides detailed feedback on key criteria important to recruiters and hiring managers. Maximize your chances of getting noticed by using our resume scanner today. Don't let your resume be overlooked - get valuable insights and make a strong impression with our ATS compliance evaluation.

How do I Make sure my resume is

Here are some guidelines you should follow to ensure your
resume gets correctly scanned by all applicant tracking

Avoid using tables Down arrow

Label your work experience and education sections with conventional section titles

Make use of standard fonts Down arrow

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Single-column layouts Down arrow

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam, voluptatum.

Avoid using tables Down arrow

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No scanned documents, pictures or diagrams Down arrow

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ATS Resume Template

Here are the guidelines we outlined above in practice.

You want to make sure you stick to text and a standard font with minimal use of special characters. Notice the clean single-column design and how fancy formatting like tables, diagrams and graphs have been stripped out. ATS resume scanners either ignore these or read them incorrectly.

This resume aptly uses standard section titles, such as "Experience" and "Education". Resume scanners specifically look out for these core sections and you want to make sure they're easy to find.

Bonus tip: Use reverse chronological order for your dates. Many applicant tracking systems try to find your most recent work experience and assumes your resume is in reverse chronological order (i.e. most recent first).

Get an ATS Resume Test

Find out if your resume passes ATS resume test

Tip: Score My Resume was bult with all applicant racking systems in mind and acts as a powerful ATS resume test, ts scanned correctly by our platform, you can be confident it wil also be processed correctly by all ATS.

Features of Resume Screener

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Cloud Icon - Representing Unlimited ATS Resume Scans

Unlimited ATS resume scans

You get several free uploads to our resume scanner. If you have different versions of your resumes (and you should, especially if you are applying to different industries!), you can test

Free Icon - Representing Free Resume Scanner

Free Resume Scanner

You get several free uploads to our resume scanner. If you have different versions of your resumes (and you should, especially if you are applying to different industries!), you can test

Chart Icon - Representing Effective Resume Scanner

Effective Resume Scanner

You get several free uploads to our resume scanner. If you have different versions of your resumes (and you should, especially if you are applying to different industries!), you can test

Resume screener

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